
When you see an ad of a catamaran for sale in the Philippines, the first thing comes into your mind is that it’is only for leisure purposes. The exhilarating feeling of sea breeze fanning your hair and the salty yet cool water spraying on your face—cruising on the high seas is a freedom like no other. But did you know sailing is not only a leisure activity but also a sport?

You’re the captain or sailor of your own catamaran, so expect to roll up those sleeves and get to work. Manning a boat is not for the physically fit. It is a good thing sailing has health and mental benefits according to Health Fitness Revolution:

Muscle Strength – in movies, for example, the scene where someone steers the boat’s wheel is only a fraction of how you run a catamaran. It involves pulling and hoisting of sails as well, which is a lot of muscle work. It improves upper body strength. The endurance of the sailor is put into test, too.

Cardiovascular Fitness – the intense muscle activity needs lots of oxygen. Your heart is at its busiest when you perform something strenuous such as sailing.

Mental Wellness
– the ocean, sea or any bodies of water has a calming effect. As stated in a blog on Psych Central:

  • Minerals in the sea air reduce stress. 
  • Negatively charged ions in the sea air combat free radicals, improving alertness and concentration.
  • Salt in the water preserves tryptamine, serotonin and melatonin levels in the brain, which aid in diminishing depression or increasing your overall sense of wellness.
  • Sound waves alter the brain’s wave patterns, producing a state of relaxation.

Agility – the pulling and hoisting of sails improve hand and eye coordination. It enhances flexibility and motor skills as well.

Concentration – it is a human nature for us to have a short attention span. But with sailing, concentration is a must because safety should be your number one priority. Your navigational skills are also developed while you’re in the open seas. As stated in, sailing improves “awareness of weather and wind patterns such as fronts, pressure, and wind direction changes.”

Communication – cruising on your own is not only lonely, it is dangerous as well. Most likely, you have a crew on board that accompanies you on your journey. An open communication is a must, verbal or non-verbal, to be able to control the boat. You and your crew should have a good teamwork.

It is not included on the list but it also improves organizational and social skills. You need to be more organized in order to keep the boat on its tiptop shape. Routine checks regarding the condition of the boat should be scheduled. You don’t want getting stranded in the middle of the vast ocean, right?

How about the social skills? It is only you and your crew on board, right? While on board, of course, this is impossible, but onshore you could interact with locals and get acquainted with them. You’ll have a chance to meet different nationalities as you sail from island to island.

In a nutshell, for sale catamaran in the Philippines is like turning the seas into your favorite gym: you get a full-body workout and you get to meet a lot of new people.

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